Mount Baw Baw - Trail maps


Resort Maps

Navigate the slopes of Mount Baw Baw like a pro with our extensive collection of trail and village maps.

Mount Baw Baw Video

Mount Baw Baw Faqs

Where is Mount Baw Baw located?

Mount Baw Baw is situated in the Baw Baw National Park, approximately a 2.5-hour drive from Melbourne


When is the ski/ snowboarding season at Mount Baw Baw?

Is snow real in Mount Baw Baw?

How can I get to Mount Baw Baw?

What types of accommodations are available?

Are there ski and snowboard lessons available?

Can I rent ski equipment?

What other activities can I enjoy besides skiing and snowboarding?

Can I purchase lift passes in advance?

Are there dining options available?

Are there events and festivals at Mount Baw Baw?

Are there child-friendly facilities and child care services available?