Kaprun-Kitzsteinhorn - Directory

Salzburg (Salzburger Land)

Kaprun-Kitzsteinhorn Video

Kaprun-Kitzsteinhorn Faqs

How can I get to Kaprun - Kitzsteinhorn?

The closest major airports are Innsbruck (142km) and Salzburg (109km). Train services connect to Zell am See, which is 7.5km north of Kaprun. Buses, free for ski pass holders, regularly run between Zell am See and Kaprun. Find out more

When is the ski/ snowboarding season at Kaprun - Kitzsteinhorn?

Is snow real in Kaprun - Kitzsteinhorn?

What are the nearby ski resorts accessible from Kaprun - Kitzsteinhorn?

What accommodation options are available?

Are there ski rental shops and ski schools available in Kaprun - Kitzsteinhorn?

Are there child-friendly facilities and childcare services available?