Katschberg - Directory

Carinthia (Kärnten)


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Katschberg Faqs

How to get to Katschberg Ski Resort?

Arrival by plane:

Salzburg Airport is located approx. 100 km north of St. Michael. After arriving at the airport, you can continue your journey by bus, train, or car. Some hotels offer a pick-up service upon request. You can find out the flight schedules, when and which airlines fly to Salzburg Airport, directly at Salzburg Airport.

Arrival by car:

Easy to reach via the A10 Tauernautobahn (E55). Departure Rennweg or St. Michael – then just 5 km to your well-deserved vacation! Altitude from 1,066 m to 2,220 m.

When is the ski/ snowboarding season at Katschberg?

Is snow real in Katschberg?

What accommodation options are available?

Are there ski and snowboard lessons available?

Are there facilities for children at Katschberg?