Orcières Merlette 1850 - Directory

Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Orcières Merlette 1850 Video

Orcières Merlette 1850 Faqs

Where is Orcières Merlette located?

Orcières Merlette is located in the Southern French Alps, within the Hautes-Alpes department in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region of France. The nearest major airport to Orcières Merlette is likely Grenoble Alpes-Isère Airport (GNB). Grenoble Airport is commonly used by travelers heading to the French Alps and is situated approximately 200 kilometers (about 124 miles) from Orcières Merlette. The journey from the airport to the ski resort can be completed by various transportation options, including rental cars, shuttle services, or a combination of public transportation.

When is the ski/ snowboarding season at Orcières Merlette?

Is snow real in Orcières Merlette?

What accommodation options are available?

Are there ski rental shops and ski schools available in Orcières Merlette?

Are there child-friendly facilities and childcare services available?