Ponte di Legno - Directory



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Ponte di Legno Faqs

How to get to Ponte di Legno?

Traveling to Ponte di Legno can be done by air, car, train, or shuttle services. The nearest major airports are Orio al Serio International Airport in Bergamo and Verona Villafranca Airport. From these airports, it’s a 2.5 to 3-hour drive from Orio al Serio or a 3 to 3.5-hour drive from Verona Villafranca to reach Ponte di Legno.

Alternatively, you can take a train from major cities like Milan to the nearest train station, Edolo, and then catch a bus to Ponte di Legno. Some ski resorts may also offer shuttle services from nearby airports. Find out more

When is the ski/ snowboarding season at Ponte di Legno?

Is snow real in Ponte di Legno?

What accommodation options are available?

Are there ski rental shops and ski schools available in Ponte di Legno?

Are there child-friendly facilities and child care services available?