The Remarkables


The Remarkables is a captivating winter destination that offers an exceptional skiing experience in a breathtaking alpine setting. Situated amidst the majestic mountains, the resort provides a wide range of thrilling slopes suitable for skiers of all levels, from beginners to advanced enthusiasts. With its state-of-the-art facilities and well-maintained trails, visitors can enjoy seamless skiing adventures and explore the pristine beauty of the surrounding landscape.

The Remarkables Video

The Remarkables Faqs

Where is The Remarkables located?

The Remarkables is located approximately 24 kilometers (15 miles) and it takes a 45-minute drive from Queenstown. 

When is the ski/ snowboarding season in The Remarkables?

Is snow real in The Remarkables?

How to get to The Remarkables?

Are there accommodations available?

What activities are available?

Are there ski and snowboard lessons available?

Can I rent ski equipment?

Can I purchase passes in advance?

Are there events and festivals hosted?

Are there child-friendly facilities and childcare services available?