valid until 19 August 2023
La Parva
(Next 3 Days):
The upcoming weather projection for La Parva indicates a gentle dusting of new snow. Expect conditions to undergo a cycle of freezing and thawing, with temperatures reaching a maximum of 9°C on Monday morning and dipping to a minimum of -3°C on Wednesday night. Generally, wind speeds are anticipated to be light.
(Days 4-6):
Prepare for a substantial snowfall, particularly peaking on Saturday afternoon. Temperature readings will remain below freezing, reaching a maximum of -2°C on Friday morning and descending to a minimum of -6°C on Thursday night. The prevailing winds are expected to be light.

El Colorado
(Next 3 Days):
The forecast for El Colorado anticipates an initial drizzle followed by a drop in temperatures and a dusting of snow on Wednesday afternoon. Similar to La Parva, conditions will undergo freeze-thaw cycles, with temperatures ranging from a maximum of 11°C on Monday morning to a minimum of -1°C on Wednesday night. Light wind patterns are expected.
(Days 4-6):
Expect a significant snowfall, peaking notably on Saturday night. Temperature conditions will remain below freezing, with the highest temperature reaching 0°C on Friday afternoon and the lowest dropping to -4°C on Thursday night. Winds are forecasted to be generally light.

Nevados de Chillan
(Next 3 Days):
The Nevados de Chillan area is expected to encounter drizzle on Tuesday night, followed by colder conditions and moderate snowfall, with the most intensity around Wednesday morning. Temperature fluctuations will lead to freeze-thaw cycles, ranging from a maximum of 10°C on Monday afternoon to a minimum of -1°C on Wednesday night. Mainly fresh winds are predicted.
(Days 4-6):
Prepare for a substantial snowfall, particularly peaking on Saturday morning. Temperature readings will remain below freezing, ranging from a maximum of 1°C on Friday afternoon to a minimum of -4°C on Thursday night. Wind speeds are anticipated to escalate, starting with light winds from the NNW on Friday night and increasing to fresh winds from the WNW by Saturday afternoon.

(Next 3 Days):
Expect a light covering of new snow for Portillo, mainly falling on Wednesday afternoon. Temperature fluctuations will result in freeze-thaw cycles, ranging from a maximum of 10°C on Monday morning to a minimum of -2°C on Wednesday night. Wind speeds are forecasted to be light.
(Days 4-6):
Prepare for a significant snowfall, notably peaking on Saturday afternoon. Temperature conditions will remain below freezing, with the highest temperature reaching 0°C on Friday afternoon and the lowest dropping to -6°C on Thursday night. Wind speeds are expected to be light.

Valle Nevado
(Next 3 Days):
Anticipate a light dusting of new snow for Valle Nevado. Temperature fluctuations will lead to freeze-thaw cycles, ranging from a maximum of 9°C on Monday morning to a minimum of -4°C on Wednesday night. Wind speeds are expected to be light.
(Days 4-6):
Prepare for a substantial snowfall, particularly peaking on Saturday afternoon. Temperature conditions will remain below freezing, with the highest temperature reaching -2°C on Friday afternoon and the lowest dropping to -6°C on Thursday night. Wind speeds are forecasted to be light.
