Winter is coming, but will it bring enough snow for the ski enthusiasts in New South Wales? According to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), the outlook for June to August 2023 is dry and warm for virtually all of Australia, including the snow resorts in New South Wales such as Perisher and Thredbo.
Below average rainfall
The BOM forecasts below median rainfall for June to August 2023 for most of the country, with some southern areas having more than 80% chance of receiving less than the median rainfall. This means that natural snowfall is likely to be scarce and unreliable for the ski season. The BOM also warns that large parts of southern Australia have triple to quadruple the chance of “unusually dry” conditions, which means the bottom 20% of historical records.
Above average temperatures
The BOM also predicts above median maximum and minimum temperatures for June to August 2023 for most of Australia, with some areas having more than 80% chance of experiencing warmer than median temperatures. This means that the snow conditions are likely to be poor and slushy, and that snowmaking will be challenging due to higher evaporation rates. The BOM attributes this warm and dry outlook to several factors, including likely warming in the tropical Pacific Ocean towards El Niño thresholds, potential development of a positive Indian Ocean Dipole, and record warm oceans globally.
What does it mean for the ski resorts?
The ski resorts in New South Wales are likely to face a tough winter season in 2023, with low natural snowfall and poor snow quality. They may have to rely heavily on artificial snowmaking, which can be costly and environmentally unfriendly. They may also have to offer discounts or incentives to attract visitors, or diversify their activities to cater for non-skiers. However, there is still some uncertainty in the long-range forecast, and some hope that cold fronts or low-pressure systems may bring some snowfall during the season.
The winter weather outlook for 2023 for the snow resorts in New South Wales is not very promising, as the BOM forecasts below average rainfall and above average temperatures for June to August 2023. This may result in low natural snowfall and poor snow quality, affecting the ski industry and tourism in the region. However, there is still some variability and unpredictability in the weather, and some chance that favourable conditions may occur during the season.